Most of my work is thrown on the potter’s wheel, I enjoy the feel of the clay running through my fingers, the rhythm and the quiet contemplation. I also hand build larger pieces by coiling and slip cast some of the smaller pieces.
I decorate each piece using the technique of sgraffito: when the work is partially dry it is dipped into a contrasting coloured slip. I then scratch the design through the coloured slip to reveal the white clay body underneath. I have also recently been experimenting with the juxtaposition of glazed and unglazed clay surfaces which gives interest not only in the look of a piece but also how it feels.
Nature has always fascinated me, from the smooth contours of a beach worn pebble to the intricacies of a butterfly's wing. My botanical range focuses on plants, particularly weeds and wild flowers. Often overlooked and unloved but when examined more closely, in my opinion, their understated beauty rivals that of some of the most revered blooms.

In stark contrast to my Botanical range, the geometric pieces are much bolder and more precise in appearance. The inspiration for these pieces comes from my love of mid century pattern and the shapes found in modernist architecture.
Photography by Shannon Tofts